George carlin youtube seven or ten years ago
George carlin youtube seven or ten years ago

george carlin youtube seven or ten years ago

You might get there on time, but, screw the company, those first twenty minute belong to you, right? It's not an attitude in line with the American Spirit, but there it is: we all screw around first. It's okay if it happens to your finger yes, you can prick your finger, but don't finger your prick! And the other two-way word is "prick".There are two-way words, like, it's okay for Curt Gowdy to say, "Roberto Clemente has two balls on him!" But he can't say, "I think he hurt his balls on that play, Tony, don't you?".Those are the ones that will infect your soul, curve your spine, and keep the country from winning the war. You know the seven, don't you, that you can't say on television? Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits. No bad words bad thoughts, bad intentions. They must really be bad they'd have to be outrageous to be separated from a group that large! "All of you over here, you seven? BAD WORDS." That's what they told us they were, remember? "That's a bad word!". There are four hundred thousand words in the English language, and there are seven you can't say on television.O Beautiful, for smoggy skies, insecticided grainįor strip-mined mountains' majesty, above the asphalt plainĪmerica, America, man sheds his waste on theeĪnd hides the pines, with billboard signs, from sea to oily sea.I used to be Irish Catholic Now I'm an American.Remember when "being up for the game" was kind of a spiritual thing? Now, man."You up for the game?" "(pop, pop) Been up all week, man!" The right wing's last line of defense on campus.

george carlin youtube seven or ten years ago

  • And athletes, athletes got into uppers, college athletes.
  • george carlin youtube seven or ten years ago

    I wouldn't be surprised if they came up with a birth control pill that doesn't work all the time they'd call it "Baby Maybe"! Some day birth control will come off prescription, and they'll need those cute little catchy names like the patent medicines have.some day birth control pills will have names like, "Preg-Not"! Doctors prefer "Embry-No"! Here's one for the ladies, "Nary-A-Carry"! Something lofty and poetic: "Nay Family Way" something earthhy and crude: "Mom Bomb" something for the youngsters, "Junior Miss" here's a real man's product, "Inconceivable"! "Mommy-Not", "Fetus Fail", "Kiddie Kill", "Papa Stopper", "Womb Broom", "Humpty Dumpty".Birth control pills are still on prescription.And they're walking around, nobody worrying about it. The low end of the speed spectrum, I grant you, but there are coffee freaks. When they talk about drugs, they don't talk about all of's the biggest thing on their sign: "Cosmetics – Sundries – DRUGS". That's why we have a drug problem, I feel it's because everyone has access to 's all those DRUG stores, right? Every three or four blocks, there's a big sign: "DRUGS", "Open All Night – DRUGS", "We Deliver – DRUGS", "Cut-rate DRUGS". I was on a talk show recently, and the host asked me, "What do you think about the dope problem?" I said, "Definitely, I feel we have too many dopes." No question about it.2.3 When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops? (2004).1.9 Doin' It Again / Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics (1990).1.8 What Am I Doing in New Jersey? (1988).

    George carlin youtube seven or ten years ago